What’s Another Word For Estate Planning?
What’s Another Word For Estate Planning? Parklin Law What’s another word for estate planning There are many different aspects of estate planning. For example, there is the Last Will and Testament, movable property, and Irrevocable trusts. In addition, there is the Legacy Planning process. Last will and testament Creating a Last Will and Testament is an important step in the process of passing your estate on to your loved ones. This document spells out your final wishes and provides instructions for the distribution of your assets. It may also be used to appoint legal guardians for minor children. An attorney can help you to prepare a will. Using a will is also a good way to make the probate process go as smoothly as possible. There are several steps involved, but it’s important to follow them as closely as possible. Irrevocable trust An irrevocable trust is a great way to keep your assets out of the public domain. In addition, it can reduce estate taxes and protect your assets fr...